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  • Writer's pictureZack McCracken

Smackdown Results/Review (8/19/2022)

Opening Segment:

We kick off the show with Ronda Rousey coming out and asking Adam Pierce to remove her suspension, Ronda is then interrupted by Adam Pierce and security who tells her he can't lift the suspension and asks her to leave the ring peacefully, to which Ronda responds by throwing the security guards around like ragdolls clearing the ring before "breaking" one of the guards arms. Pierce proceeds to bring out real police officers to arrest Ronda and take her out of the arena. Ronda gets the last laugh by telling Pierce "Nice haircut".

Good opening segment, Ronda has been shown off quite well since turning on Liv at SummerSlam. Ronda needed this all along quick promos and being a straight up badass.

End Of Segment.

Roman Reigns arrives to the arena in an SUV to a huge ovation. Surprisingly without The Uso's or Paul Heyman.

First Match: Natalya & Sonya Deville VS Toxic Attraction (Gigi Dolin & Jace Jayne) WWE Woman's Tag Team Championship Tournament Round 1.

Before the match begins we see Bayley, IYO Sky, and Dakota Kai at ringside in the front row "observing" the match.

The match starts off with Gigi and Natalya, Gigi quickly gains control over Natalya with a string of arm wrenches before Natalya makes the tag to Sonya, Deville brings the fight to Dolin quick with a few rollups to try and get the quick win to no avail. Took awhile for Gigi to get the tag to Jayne but once she did Jace Jayne took over quick against Deville, Jayne throws Deville over the top rope and hits a big flying knee to the face on Sonya before we head to commercial. We get back from commercial with Jayne still having the advantage over Deville before quickly tagging Gigi back in the match, Deville hits a big boot in the corner on Gigi and goes for the tag to Natalya but is stopped in her tracks by Jayne who was tagged back in. Deville finally gets the tag to Natalya to a huge ovation from her fellow canadians, Natalya comes in hot taking both Jayne and Dolin out before attempting the sharpshooter on Jayne, Gigi breaks up the sharpshooter which leads to a big superkick from Jayne who goes for the pin on Natalya but Natalya kicks out at 2. Dolin tries to steal the win with a rollup over Natalya but Natalya kicks out and immediately hits the discus clotheline and applies the sharpshooter to Gigi but Dolin is not the legal member, Jace Jayne enters the ring and rolls Natalya up for the 1,2,3.

Pretty good first match here, Toxic Attraction has been killing it on NXT so I wouldn't be surprised if they go all the way to the finals and win the tag team title.

Toxic Attraction defeat Natalya & Sonya Deville to advance in the tournament. 5/10

Backstage Segment With Roman Reigns and Sami Zayn:

We see Sami Zayn backstage by Romans locker room which is being guarded by security. Roman apparently wants to see Zayn. Roman starts off with small talk asking Zayn how he's been doing to which Zayn reveals his frustrations with The Uso's and Roman responds that Zayn is right that The Uso's don't appreciate anything. Zayn proceeds to answer Romans phone and it was Jey Uso on the other end asking to talk to Roman but Zayn says it's not the best time to talk to Roman. Sami reminds Roman he is in the Intercontinental contership match later and Roman responds with "The Intercontinental title would look good in the Bloodline". Zayn reports to Roman that The Uso's can't make it tonight and that obviously frustrated Roman Reigns.

Really good segment here, Zayn got a good reaction from the crowd and it had the perfect blend of comedy and seriousness to intrigue the audience. Really hoping Roman turns on Zayn so we can finally get a big program going for him. Guessing we see The Uso's come out later to attack Zayn. We got a small Kevin Owens line from Reigns so hopefully were planting the seeds for KO and Zayn as a tag team against The Bloodline.

End Segment.

In Ring Segment:

We see Maximum Male Models out to cut a promo but are quickly interrupted by Hit Row. Mas Dupri tells Hit Row that this is a scheduled time slot for MMM and Top Dolla of Hit Row proceeds to throw Mace out of the ring sending the rest of MMM to the back. Hit Row proceeds to perform a song to the fans in attendance.

This segment was alright, definitely felt rushed but I am glad that Hit Row is being given a fair chance to get over on the main roster. There rap was kind of cringe and got no reaction from the crowd.

End Segment.

Sheamus VS Ricochet VS Madcap Moss VS Happy Corbin VS Sami Zayn Intercontinental Number One Conterdership Match:

Match starts off fast as Ricochet targets Corbin but Corbin leaves the ring and Sheamus attacks Ricochet from behind, Sami Zayn then starts the assault on Ricochet, crowd is insanely hot for Zayn in this one. Corbin gets back into the math and tosses Ricochet out of the ring, Sami Zayn begins attacking Corbin with a quick fury of punches before we head to commercial. We get back from commercial and see action all over the place with Moss and Sheamus battling on the outside as Ricochet and Corbin continue fighting inside the ring. Madcap throws Sheamus over the barricade and immediately targets former friend Corbin but Corbin quickly turns it back around and takes over the match. Corbin continues the assault before Sheamus enters the ring and starts pounding down on Corbin, Happy Corbin turned things around against Sheamus before Ricochet takes him down and hits a springboard crossbody on Madcap and a dropkick on Zayn, Corbin attempts to attack Ricochet from behind but is met with a huge DDT from Ricochet for a 2 count. Madcap continues the assault on Sheamus after taking Ricochet out for the time being, crowd is chanting for Zayn who comes back into the ring and eats a huge backbreaker from Sheamus. Sheamus has taken over the match completely as he begins pounding on the chest of Madcap for a ten count then proceeds to do the same to Happy Corbin, crowd loved this spot right here. Ricochet enters back into the ring but is thrown out once again by Sheamus who proceeds to pound Ricochets chest to a ten count, Sheamus has quite the advantage in this match so far. Sheamus throws Zayn in the ring and attempts the battering on him and Zayn counters with a stun gun on the ropes Zayn is on fire and hits a huge tope suicida on Sheamus and Corbin. Zayn and Ricochet all alone in the ring as Zayn attempts a Blue Thunder Bomb but is reversed and immediately hits Ricochet with a Michinoku Driver for a 2 count. Crowd still very much behind Zayn in this one as he hits a huge Blue Thunder Bomb on Madcap Moss for a close 3 count. Sheamus stops Zayn from going to the top rope and attempts a White Noise on Zayn and is successful, Zayn immediately pops up and clutches his shoulder before going outside the ring. Zayn is taken to the back by the officials as it looks to be a serious injury to his shoulder and we head to commercial. We get back from the second commercial break with Madcap hitting a fallaway slam from the top rope and gets a 2 count on Sheamus, Ricochet then hits a springboard moonsault on Madcap and Corbin then starts targeting Ricochet once again. Crowd starts chanting "We Want Sami" before Corbin plants Ricochet with a huge torture rack neck breaker and Ricochet kicks out at 2. Corbin and Sheamus start exchanging huge blows in the middle of the ring before Sheamus hits a big clothesline sending Corbin out the ring and Madcap attempts to attack Sheamus from behind but runs into a big knee to the face from Sheamus for another 2 count. Sheamus goes for the Brogue Kick on Moss but Moss reverses and Ricochet comes back in the match to take out Moss before hitting a huge shooting star on Sheamus for a close 3 count. Corbin then gets sent over the top rope by Ricochet, Sami Zayn comes back into the match clutching his shoulder and hits a huge corner suplex on Ricochet and the a Helluva Kick but the pin is interrupted by Corbin. Crowd erupted when Zayn came back out. Sheamus hits a Brogue Kick on Corbin out of nowhere and gets the 1,2,3!

WOW! What a match between all 5 men in this match. Sheamus definitely earned this one tonight, but with how Zayn performed and how hot the crowd was for him you have to imagine something big is planned for Zayn. Sheamus will face Gunther at Clash At The Castle for the Intercontinental Championship, that match should be amazing.

Sheamus defeats Ricochet, Happy Corbin, Madcap Moss, and Sami Zayn to face Gunther at Clash At The Castle. 9/10


We see Viking Raiders in some sort of Viking burial land?? Erik and Ivar are putting war paint on and celebrate there battles which have led them to where they are now, promise a great battle awaits.

Definitely gave off a spooky vibe, I have been loving how seriously booked they have been and am hoping it leads to big things for The Viking Raiders.

End Segment.

Liv Morgan VS Shotzi:

Before the match we hear backstage from Shotzi calling Liv "Over-Emotional" and promises to rip off Livs arm and make her cry.

Liv brings the attack to Shotzi right away with a kick to the gut and quick punches before hitting a huge knee to the face in the corner. Shotzi is able to turn the tide on Liv with an enziguri but only for a 2 count. Shotzi tries talking trash but Liv drops her with a huge missile dropkick from the top rope for a 2 count. Shotzi gets advantage again with a huge DDT on the outside of the ring before a commercial break. We get back from commercial with Shotzi in full control over Liv, crowd rallies Liv on to start a comeback but Shotzi stops her. Liv finally gets advantage again and starts ponding on Shotzi before hitting her finisher for the 1,2,3. Shayna Basler immediately attacks Liv after the match and kicks her in the face leaving her laid out in the ring.

This match was alright, Shotzi would benefit greatly from a face turn. Crowd was hot for Liv for a little bit but its starting to get quieter everytime. Definitely interested in Liv VS Shayna for Clash At The Castle.

Liv Morgan defeats Shotzi. 4/10

Main Event Segment: Roman Reigns & Drew Mcintyre Face-To-Face

Want to start off by saying, it's so weird seeing Roman come out all by himself. Nonetheless, we start off with Romans typical antics by telling the crowd to acknowledge him to which the Canada crowd erupts for. Roman starts off by saying how he's not here every week anymore and how people will come out and say stupid stuff, Roman wants to set the record straight by saying he is the true face of the WWE and he carries the company on his back. Roman said Drew was beneath him before being interrupted by Mcintyre. Drew grabs a mic and says he would have loved to say all the stuff he's been saying to his face but he can't since Roman is never there. Drew tells Roman he doesn't deserve to be champion and brings up the facts that without The Bloodline he wouldn't be champion. Drew senses fear in Roman Reigns ahead of there match, Drew says he is going to tear Roman apart and become NEW Undisputed Universal Championship. Drew and Roman start brawling in the ring, Drew gets advantage with a huge Belly-To-Belly suplex to Roman and goes for the Claymore but Zayn comes in and takes the bullet for Roman. Roman goes for the spear on Roman but gets caught with the Claymore! Drew stands tall with both titles to end the show.

Damn good closing segment, both men did fantastic at selling this match and Zayn taking the bullet for Reigns has me intrigued to how Roman will react to that.

End Show.

Overall review of Smackdown tonight:

I feel it was a damn good show. We got teasers for what's next for Sami Zayn, we got a fantastic fatal 5 way match which Sheamus won, Ronda looked badass being taken out by police officers, and the face-to-face between Roman and Drew did a great job to further sell there big match. Really enjoyed tonight hopefully RAW is just as good.

Overall Rating:7/10

What did YOU think of Smackdown tonight?? Let me know in the comments below.

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